Why am I starting a Patreon now?


I want to talk about why I’m starting a Patreon now.

I love making music.

Making music is in my bones. It’s what I do. It’s what I’ve always done. I move through the world hearing songs and harmonies and despite being an introvert, something in me has always wanted to share these songs.

I am also a mother.

Four years ago, I had my daughter and then last year, my son. Being a mother of young children makes it near impossible for me to fund my music endeavors by playing gigs at night and weekends, or traveling to different places to explore collaborative opportunities.

So I’ve been funding my music with my other work, and that has been pretty tiring.

I don’t want to stop.

I’ve thought a lot about putting music on hold, again (if you know my story). But I don’t want to, because now is when I want to be writing and singing. I want to make art as I’m bumbling through this whole parenthood thing, because I myself wish there was more art out there by bumbling parents.

So I’m going to keep going.

This Patreon is my effort to be a mother and an artist, to build a community around this. To sustainably continue recording music and releasing them into the world.

If you want to be a part of this, I invited you to take a look at my page.


Who is my Patreon for?


What is Patreon?